The Westing Game Chapter 23 Summary

Strange Answers

  • When Otis comes in, he sees Plum, Flora, and Turtle. Otis makes fun of Turtle's haircut, which Flora thinks is pretty. Turtle doesn't like it.
  • Flora shows Turtle a picture of Rosalie. When Turtle looks at it closely, she sees that Rosalie was disabled and says she looks like she was happy and nice.
  • Sydelle and Angela arrive; Turtle's made sure Angela won't confess about the bombings.
  • As the players come in, they all talk about Turtle's hair: Angela likes it, Sandy thinks it's businesslike, Dr. Deere thinks it's improved, Chris thinks it looks nice. Theo doesn't notice because he's looking at the chessboard, where someone else has made a play.
  • Judge Ford comes in dressed in African robes and gives a note to Dr. Deere.
  • Doug comes in, still pleased with his win from the match, followed by the Hoos.
  • Jake and Grace arrive from a wine bar, a little tipsy. Crow sneaks in after them.
  • Otis asks if each team can open the envelope on their table. Plum says yes. They each receive another $10,000 check.
  • The judge gives her share of the money to Sandy, who Sydelle shushes, and Grace falls asleep.
  • Plum keeps reading the will. Part twelve welcomes everyone back and says that they've all gotten some money, and by the end someone may get a lot more. It says each table will be called to give their answer. Plum will write them all down, but doesn't know what the answer is.
  • At table one are Madame Hoo, "cook," and Jake Wexler, "bookie" (23.31). Jake looks back over their clues: "of America and God above." He doesn't know what to say so he asks Madame Hoo, who says "Boom!"
  • Table two is Flora Baumbach, "dressmaker," and Turtle Wexler, "financier" (23.37). Turtle says they've made $11,587.50 from their original $10,000 on the stock market.
  • At table three are Christos Theodorakis, "ornithologist," and Denton Deere, "intern" (23.43). Chris doesn't want to blame anybody, and he thinks all the partners helped everyone make friends, so he and Denton agree that their answer is Westing was a good person.
  • Table four's Judge Ford, "judge" (23.47), and Sandy, "fired" (23.47), who say they don't have an answer. Judge Ford looks at Dr. Deere, who shakes his head no in response to her note, which asked if Otis had plastic surgery. So Otis isn't Westing, but she thinks Crow knows something is up.
  • At table five are Gracie Windkloppel Wexler, "restaurateur," and James Hoo, "inventor" (23.50). Mr. Hoo pushes Grace to stand and answer, and she drunkenly says their restaurant will reopen the next day, serving purple waves. When she sits down, she falls on the floor. Mr. Hoo says their answer is "Ed Plum."
  • Table six has Berthe Erica Crow, "mother," and Otis Amber, "deliverer" (23.60). Crow's surprised to find she wrote "mother," and Otis asks her what their answer is. Crow says "mother" again.
  • At table seven of Douglas Hoo, "champ," and Theo Theodorakis, "writer" (23.65), Theo doesn't know what to do with their clues. His ideas point to Otis, but he thinks about what he viewed at the soup kitchen and says "no answer."
  • Table eight are Sydelle Pulaski, "victim," and Angela Wexler, "person" (23.67). Sydelle stands and begins to sing "America the Beautiful."
  • Everyone thinks she's nuts until they start hearing all their clues in the words of the song. They think Sydelle and Angela won. Sydelle says their answer is "Otis Amber."
  • Plum reads the next part of the will, that says it's time for a break and asks Crow to go to the kitchen to get snacks.
  • Judge Ford asks Sandy to go with her; as he does, he asks her to refill his flask. Angela follows them, worried about Crow, and Turtle follows her, worried about Angela.
  • Otis makes machine gun sounds at everyone. Crow, Angela, and Turtle come back in with the snacks, followed by Sandy.
  • The judge goes over to Dr. Deere, who says that no one there's had plastic surgery, although Sandy could've benefited.
  • Sandy drinks from his flask as the judge says they've got to stay aware for the final move.
  • Theo's at the chess table and thinks he won. He takes the other side's queen.
  • Sydelle and Angela ask Plum what the answer is. He says he's got to open the next document. Part fourteen says everyone should go to the library right away.