The Container of Thyme

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

Although a used container of thyme might seem like a bizarre gift to give to someone, Mclean totally sees it for what it is—a sweet gesture and an invitation to stay from Dave:

It was a small plastic container of thyme, already opened, but more than half full. JUST IN CASE YOU DECIDE TO STICK AROUND, the note said in messy, slanted writing. WE HAD THREE OF THESE. (8.332)

Mclean and her dad always live in these empty houses without spices or any frills because they are constantly expecting to pick up and move again—sadly, this keeps their houses from ever feeling like homes. But in giving her the container of thyme, Dave is telling her that he wants her to stay here—that Lakeview can be her new home, if she wants it to be—and when he does, he lets her know that he understands how hard moving around all the time is for her too.