What Happened to Goodbye Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It had been weird, I had to admit, to be having such a, well, pleasant conversation with my mom. Like once again, the beach had somehow become a safe place for us to be together, separate from the conflict of her house or this one. (12.27)

Well, this is new—Mclean hasn't talked to her mom without resentment or anger for a while (which is pretty much standard teenage behavior). But now that they're trying to move past the divorce, they can make attempts to start communicating normally again.

Quote #8

She'd never want for anything. And even though I knew that for her, and even Connor and Maddie, this was a good thing, it made me feel sad in a way I wasn't sure I even understood. (14.55)

It's good to see that her mom and stepsiblings will be well cared for, but it still makes Mclean pretty sad because it just drives home the point that they're two separate families now—complete with separate lives.

Quote #9

It was my mom, and my dad was right beside her. They looked at me, then at the room behind me, their faces as tired as my own. "Oh, Mclean," my mom said, putting a hand to her mouth. "Thank God. There you are." (15.31)

Mclean may think that her parents don't care about her that much—after all, her mom's busy with her new family and her dad's got restaurant business to take care of—but they'll still go to the ends of the earth for her. Or at least to the Poseidon.