Why We Broke Up Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Am I," I asked, "is it OK not to be a virgin?"

Al sat up straight and put the beer on the coffee table. "So you're telling me—?"

"No," I said. "I am, still." (22.90-22.92)

Min sees losing her virginity as a huge milestone in her life. It is, but that's not the point in the book where she loses her innocence—she loses her innocence when she finds out that Ed cheated and Lottie Carson is dead.

Quote #8

"Shut up. You're not missing me."

"Not really," he said. "Though we did say we'd stay friends."

"We're friends," I said. "Look, we're having an awkward conversation. If that's not friendship—" (29.193-29.194)

Min and Joe, her ex-boyfriend, said they'd stay friends after they broke up. The depth of that friendship is pretty clear from this snippet of conversation, though, the first they've had in ages.

Quote #9

"Pizza." I was fierce with the thought of it. My first grown-up meal, I couldn't help thinking, and what I want is kid stuff. (36.3)

Min ponders the irony of wanting "kid stuff" right after losing her virginity. She also spills her first "grown-up meal" all over her shirt, suggesting that maybe she hasn't really grown up yet.