Why We Broke Up Life Imitates Art Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It was a magical thing, early enough for the park to hold a hush, the mood still and strange like With My Own Two Eyes, the scene where…a rustle comes from the bushes and slowly, slowly, carefully, a unicorn emerges and walks in a hushed calm across the misty lawn, and the story of the movie moves to some stranger place. I had that feeling in Boris Vian Park, that anything might happen. (17.1)

During their date in the park, Ed reminds Min of a unicorn in the woods. But he's not a magical creature—he's a real man with very real faults.

Quote #5

"You've made, Min, everything different for me. Everything's like coffee you made me try, better than I ever—or the places I didn't even know were right on the street, you know? I'm like this thing I saw when I was little, where a kid hears a noise under his bed and there's a ladder there that's never been there before, and he climbs down and, it's for kids I know, but this song starts playing…." (17.22)

Ed has picked up Min's habit of describing their relationship in fantastical terms. Luckily, instead of disapproving of this, their time together is a haven from the real world for him, too.

Quote #6

The world was getting worse I guess, like this Japanese remake of Rip Van Winkle called The Gates of Sleep that Al and I left early from, each time the hero awoke it was more depressing, wife dead, sons drunks, city more polluted, emperors more corrupt, the war dragging on more and more bloody. (29.42)

This montage of Bad Stuff foreshadows the terrible fight that Ed and Min will have later that night.