Why We Broke Up Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I stood in the doorway watching you sleep. I waited just to see you at that kind of peace, I wanted to be beside you, I wanted you to wake up slowly or startle, or just half awaken and turn over and go back to sleep or murmur my name. I wanted to watch you forever, or sleep beside you forever, or sleep forever while you woke and watched me, something forever anyway." (20.39)

Ed seems angelic when he's sleeping, doesn't he? Too bad he has to wake up and ruin everything. While Min doesn't use the word love here, her feelings for Ed are pretty clear.

Quote #5

Al looked around the room. The music waited. "I guess I think, Min, that when I think about sex, you know, I want it to feel good. Not feel good, shut up, but right. Happy, not just banging away somewhere. You know, you should not just do it to do it. You should love the guy."

"I do," I said quietly, "love the guy." (22.123-22.124)

Min tells Al that she's in love with Ed before she says anything about it to Ed himself. What she doesn't realize is that Al's secretly in love with her. Bummer, kid.

Quote #6

"Let's stay together, I want to be with you. Let's. Yes?"


"Because I don't care, virginity, different, arty, weird parties with bad cake, that igloo. Just together Min."


"Like everyone is telling us not to be."


"Because, Min, listen, I love you." (22.228-22.234)

Min falls in love with Ed quickly, though she waits for him to say the words first. Luckily for her, she doesn't have to wait long.