Witch and Wizard Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

As far as I knew, I was not a wizard, and not a superhero either. I was just a high school kid who'd been ripped out of his home. (9.3)

When Whit and Wisty are kidnapped by New Order soldiers, they have no idea they have magical powers. The first clue is when Wisty sets herself on fire… and emerges from it just fine.

Quote #2

Celia was everything I wasn't, and secretly wanted to be. (49.2)

Wisty just found out she's a powerful witch. She still totally struggles with her other identity, though—you know, the one where she's a teenage girl.

Quote #3

"They won't," said Celia. "Unless they're secretly Curves. If they're Straight and Narrows, they'll just hit the wall." (51.11)

Sounds like the humans in Witch and Wizard break down into these two categories. Curves rule (and can visit the Underworld), Straights and Narrows drool (and can't).