Witch and Wizard Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Three months ago his girlfriend, Celia, had literally vanished without a trace. And by now everyone was thinking she would probably never come back. (2.7)

Well, Whit finally finds out what happened to Celia. But since she's sort of stuck between worlds, he hasn't exactly found closure.

Quote #2

I was crying because I'd just talked to Celia—in a dream, I guess it was a dream, but it felt so real to me. (14.2)

Now that she's a Half-light, is Whit and Celia's relationship still "real"? Or is it a thing of the past?

Quote #3

I loved being able to look into her eyes again. We had the same baby blues. Her friends used to joke about the kids we'd have one day. (24.11)

It sounds like Whit and Celia were close when she was alive. Very close.