The Woman in Black Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

My whole body was trembling, my mouth dry, the palms of my hands sore where I had dug my nails into them as I had stood… (9.50)

No matter what Arthur's rational brain thinks, his body knows better: there's a very, very good reason to be afraid.

Quote #8

In a curious way, it was her fearfulness that persuaded me that I must retain control of myself…

Arthur pulls himself together for the dog. How manly of him.

Quote #9

My fear reached a new height, until for a minute I thought I would die of it, was dying, for I could not conceive of a man being able to endure such shocks and starts… (9.55)

Uh-oh. That door at the end of the hallway that was locked this whole time is now mysteriously open—never a good sign. But is it more frightening to see what's in there, or to go downstairs and not know?