Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Meaning

Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Meaning

What is this book really about?

For the last time, be happy with what you've got.

Just like Yertle and Gertrude before them, the rabbit and the bear just aren't happy with what they've got.

Now wait just a second, you're probably saying. Both the rabbit and the bear seem pretty smug and self-satisfied. That's why they're bragging after all.

Sure, but who do you know who's truly happy and yet still has to remind everybody about how happy they are? These two are as dissatisfied as can be. In fact, they're struggling to be something other than what they are (source). They only feel good when they compare themselves, and they're pretty worried once someone else threatens their place on top. That's not happiness. That's (here it comes again!) being obsessed with superficial external stuff you can't control.