Physical Danger

Physical Danger

Correct posture and ample screen breaks are extremely important when researching the statistical trends of crocodile-related deaths. (Source)

If there's one thing that everyone knows about working in app development, it's to watch out for crocodiles. They're everywh—wait, no. It's obesity and musculoskeletal problems that you have to look out for. It's so easy to get those two confused....

Working in software development is like a lot of computer jobs: You're going to be on your butt all day. And while you might want to brag about that to your Navy Seal buddy while he crunches his 9000th pull-up, it's actually putting your body at risk. Fortunately, a lot of people have desk jobs these days, and things like correcting posture, screen breaks, exercise, and meal planning can go a long way to counteract negative effects.