
There are nearly nine million registered mobile developers on the planet (source), and with a global audience in the hundreds of millions, you might be thinking: With that sort of reach, surely at least one of these people could go super villain and take over the world, right?

Well, all Mark Zuckerberg jokes aside, that hasn't quite happened yet. See, while your reach as an iOS or Android developer is essentially limitless, the scope and value of the software you develop is far from all-powerful. Sure, your ad-supported calculator knows the answer to three times three, but so does a third grader. Yes, you programmed the pixel hero Xytor: Savior of Humanity, but you also programmed the pixel aliens that were threatening pixel Earth to begin with, you monster.

At the end of the day, if you make your own stuff, it's up to you how important your work should be, and up to your audience how important it actually becomes. If you work for someone else, yes, the software you work on will likely have access to an incredible amount of banking details and personal data, but 100% of that information will be protected and observed. It's all relative, amigo.