20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

The professional outlook for chiropractors is remarkably good. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of chiropractors is expected to rise seventeen percent by 2024 (source). The B.L.S. cites an increased public interest in alternative or complementary medicine; people like that they can expect non-surgical and drug-free solutions when visit their friendly neighborhood spine doctor.

So, the short answer is that you can expect chiropractic medicine to be around and thriving in twenty years. Chances are the vitriol between chiropractors and the medical profession at-large will die down—once chiropractors quit trying to overstep their bounds and traditional doctors acknowledge the success of (some) chiropractic solutions.

Plus, the Baby Boomers are all getting older, so there's a built-in clientele boost from all the aging older folks. You can practically hear those joints starting to creak. The creaks, cracks, and pops will start to sound like music to your ears, so get crackin' on your chiropractic dreams.