Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Spine Snapper. Salary: $37,000 

Your clinic is being investigated and is on the verge of closing. You try explaining it's just been a string of bad luck—it'll pass. You're positive they must have been faking, but that last patient claimed they needed a neck brace for a month after your services.


Showing Some Backbone. Salary: $48,000 

You've been practicing for a few years now, you've gotten to be pretty decent at your practice, and you've just opened your own clinic in a mall—one of those that used to be nice before about half the stores closed. Your clientele isn't exactly what you'd always dreamed of (there aren't enough of them and they don't pay on time), but you're trying to look at the bigger picture.


Two Steps Forward, One Step Back. Salary: $59,000 

You're a ten-year member of Better Back Builders, Inc., which has a bustling practice in six states. Most of your patients are pretty satisfied customers—they generally feel better after you've adjusted them, and they recommend you to their friends. But business took a hit when Dateline featured your company on a segment about alternative medicine and mentioned your employees were "probably not practicing witches." They didn't sound too sure, and suddenly neither are your customers.


Ace Adjuster. Salary: $85,000 

You have one of the most successful practices in a medium-sized city and have just opened your third clinic. And, in a stroke of irony, a member of the same Dateline team that caused you such problems with BBB, Inc. has to come to you for neck adjustments—he was in a car accident while visiting your town. You're able to fix it, and his team runs another segment on chiropractic care, focusing on your clinics, with the tagline "Whatever voodoo they do can make a better you!"


Chiropractic Guru. Salary: $100,000+ 

Your second book was just published and you have a regular column in Chiropractic Quarterly. You're the majority owner of a nationwide chain of clinics and have the skills to prove it. M.D.s doing research into alternative medicine always cite your patients' results. You don't even have to walk into the exam room—patients' joints just adjust themselves when you walk by.