Odds of Hanging On

Odds of Hanging On

While it's not especially difficult to become a commercial diver, it might be difficult to hang on to the job. Aside from the stress of the work, career progression often means accepting more dangerous work that could put you in some pretty precarious situations. That in turn means choosing between career stagnation and risking your health just a little bit more each time you dive. Yikes.

And if that wasn't bad enough, there's also an informal age limit. According to Bob Browning of The Ocean Corporation, most companies try to hire divers between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five. In fact, after forty-five, divers are actually restricted from some work for physiological reasons (source).

What's that you said? You'll probably still need to work for a living after age forty-five? Well, hopefully during your commercial diving you find some buried treasure under the sea. If not, you'll have to put your diving skills to use in safer settings once you hit that age ceiling, or turn to a different career altogether. Don't worry though—there are plenty to choose from.