Physical Danger

Physical Danger

Insert tasteless Walking Dead joke here. Zombie corpses. Big belly laughs. Let's move on.

In the real world, there is more physical danger in the funeral home than you might suspect. Most of that danger comes from the chemicals used during the embalming process. Formaldehyde is a wonderful embalmer because it causes dead tissue to look alive…but you don't want to get it on living tissue. The results are not pretty.

There are also the various tools used during the body preparation and restoration procedures. You'll have scalpels, needles, tubes, pins, and other pokey instruments of pain. Add that to the various bacteria and viruses that might be found in all those wonderful fluids and you have a very real possibility of something worse than cuts or bruises.

The point is: Be careful, you do this work; you don't want to be the subject of it.