20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

Good job growth is cause for celebration. (Source)

This job market for endoscopy techs is growing by leaps and bounds. While other jobs are growing at around eleven percent, you're zooming up at a whopping sixteen (source). Pretty good prospects, right?

That trend can't continue forever, but it's also not likely to slow down anytime soon. Until the next big medical breakthrough comes along, endoscopies will be one of the best ways to get a good look at what's going on inside a person's body without performing surgery. If a better procedure does come along, you can bet your last pair of clean scrubs it's going to have a hefty price tag attached, so you'll still be well-positioned to forge ahead with your career.

What this all boils down to is this is a steady career, if you want it to be. Twenty years is a long time to work those weird hours and be on your feet all the time, but you'll never have to worry about job security. There's no danger of this gig being outsourced, and the young techs won't be way more qualified than you because they know how to work the latest smart tech.