
"Follow me! The Land of Clear and Wrinkle-Free Skin lies yonder!" (Source)

People have said a lot of things about power over the years: that it corrupts, that it's an aphrodisiac, that it lies in thought or patience or justice. What no one has said about power, however, is that it lies in an expert microdermabrasion. No nation ever came to power because it gave, "literally, like, the best facial ever." Napoleon didn't rise to power because he had a uniquely effective massage technique.

So what little power might you have? Well, you have a certain amount of authority over your clients, who don't know anything about essential oils or light-emitting diodes. And if you rise in the ranks to own your own spa or small business, you'll have authority over the employees you take on and the treatments you offer.

But for a long time—possibly forever—you'll be one of those employees, forced to report to a supervisor, to suck up to clients, and to pretend to listen to their boring stories so they come back in six weeks' time. Ultimately, because they have the money, they have the power.