Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Part-time Instructor. Salary: $17,000 or less

After building up a great sweat for the last two hours, you jump out of the shower and head to your locker to put on the snazzy black outfit that you'll be wearing your restaurant job. At least the people around you will be having fun.


Full-time Instructor. Salary: $28,000 

Jeremiah comes to you after class with a question. He asks how far the human leg is supposed to bend while stretching. You answer that he should only be bending it as far as his body is comfortable. He proceeds to show you he can bend it all the way back. You suggest a good physical therapist.


Specialized Instructor. Salary: $32,000

While taking your 65-and-over water aerobics class through today's routine, you notice a slight acrid, almost ammonia scent in the water. You take a deep breath and thank goodness for the discovery of chlorine.


Fitness Director. Salary: $50,000

It's the third Thursday of the month, which means it's time for your monthly staff meeting. The instructors and trainers all sit attentively, listening to every word you say. Either that, or they're very good at sleeping while sitting up.


Personal Studio Owner. Salary $80,000

Today's class consists of three very dedicated, very wealthy clients who appreciate the personal touch you have on their spirit. You appreciate the personal touch they have on your wallet. Namaste.