Physical Danger

Physical Danger

You could be asked to go to war-torn countries to identify conflict diamonds illegally sold to fund African terrorists, also known as blood diamonds. Or you could find yourself the victim of a jewelry heist by armed robbers just as you were about to head out to lunch.

Neither of those scenarios are too likely, though. Jewelry heists are more common in the movies than they are in real life, and the likelihood of your boss asking you to leave the cash register to fly to Africa is pretty slim.

Chances are, the dangers you'll face are the long-term ones. Standing or sitting for extended periods of time can be bad for you, and hunching over little rocks all day will make your back, neck, and eyes hurt after a while. Maybe take up yoga or something.

You might also find your blood pressure up a few points after a bad day full of whiny customers...but some quality time with your friends Ben and Jerry can fix that.