Odds of Hanging On

Odds of Hanging On

Again, not bad. For all the same reasons listed on the previous page, you should be able to hang on. There will be different career progression requirements, depending on your specialty and employer. If you work in academia, for example, you'll be required to publish a certain amount of research in order to progress into full professor-hood. If you work in the private sector, you'll have to positively contribute to your company's bottom line, qualify for patents, that kind of thing.

As far as government positions go, we, umm, well, frankly we’re not going to delve too deep into this one. We would inevitably succumb to using tired old cliché jokes like as long as what you do is "good enough for government work," or talking about how government’s primary job is just to maintain its own existence, so producing actual results isn't necessarily high up on their To Do list, etc. And we are way too classy a bunch to stoop to making ridiculous cracks like that.