Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Oncologist, entry level. Salary: $200,000 

It's been a long, hard road, and you are a thousand percent sure you never want to see the inside of a classroom again. However, the six-figure starting salary that you're getting makes it all worthwhile. Paging doctor you.


Oncologist, five years' experience. Salary: $220,000 

You're still finding the balance between the good days and the tough ones; there have been a few times when, after losing a patient, you've attempted to find solace at the bottom of a carton of Chunky Monkey. Fortunately, you have some great co-workers who are willing to take the spoon away.


Oncologist, ten years' experience. Salary: $230,000 

Your number of patients is up, your blood pressure is down, and you just published a great paper about battling leukemia. Who's the best oncologist on the block? You are.


Oncologist, fifteen years' experience. Salary: $274,000 

You've done a lot of good in the past fifteen years, but you're thinking that it's time to step your game up by coaching the next generation of oncology pros. Just leave the whistle at home.


Oncologist, twenty-plus years' experience. Salary: $302,000 

Coaching, mentoring, researching, and of course caring for your patients is starting to take its toll. Is it time to think about slowing down? Not quite yet. You decide to enjoy your success a little more and maybe teach a class at a nearby college for some very lucky students. It's just in your nature to give back.