Odds of Hanging On

Odds of Hanging On

This ain't pro boxing. Once you're in, you're a lot more likely to go up than out. You've proven that you're qualified and you're only getting more qualified by the day. Unless you do something seriously wrong with the chemicals (we personally don't even want to imagine it―those eyewash stations are scary looking), you ought to be able to feel secure in this job.

"I was set up, just a patsy, see?" (Source)

On the manufacturing research end of things, there is definitely a fine line between making your employer happy and not doing anything illegal, which could potentially put you in a position of stress. Keep in mind, no matter what they have you do, you're just the scientist.

As mentioned before, the world's population is growing exponentially, and so must the ways we look at the techniques we use for growing our food. Pesticide science is a huge part of those methods, so the more desperate the global food situation, the more in-demand your job will become.