Physical Danger

Physical Danger

Despite the fact that your work will involve toxic chemicals in mass quantities, there are very few reports of people on the research and regulation end suffering complications from exposure to harsh chemicals or poisons. So long as you take the standard safety precautions when working in the lab, you should be safe and gnarly-burn-free.

That means you should always remember to wear gloves in the lab, and a gas mask when you're for some reason standing in the field as the crop duster flies over. Seriously, don't stand under the crop duster. It may seem exciting, but you're not there to do your best Cary Grant impression.

Any risk you experience at work is no more than your typical white-collar position. Watch your diet and exercise routines, have a checkup with your doctor every year (benefits, remember? You're covered.), and look both ways before crossing the street. Beyond that, it's in the hands of the universe.