English vs. Spanish

Learning English spelling can be pretty annoying—even for native speakers. We're sorry about that. And unfortunately, like punctuation, spelling is another thing that people get really touchy about.

Sure, it's not fair. After all, spelling ability isn't even associated with intelligence (source).

We can't change the world, though. If you have trouble with spelling, the only advice we can give is to practice. Read a lot. Make flashcards. In the meantime, we can help you with pronunciation and the letters, which might then help you with spelling.

A Word on Accents

A Word on AccentsYou can usually tell if someone's a nonnative speaker of a certain language by their accents. Now, an accent is nothing to be ashamed of, but sometimes you just want to blend in. W...


Forget about spelling for a second. Only think about the actual sounds your mouth makes. For example, the pronunciation of the word "light" is really just a consonant sound (L), a vowel sound (I),...

The Letters

SpellingEnglish spelling is hard. Our advice? Practice. Watch movies with the subtitles on. Listen along to the audio tape of a book you're reading.What can we say? This is what you get for being a...