
Example 1

Kelly wore that red dress confidently.

A red dress is a weird choice for a funeral, but Kelly's always marched to the beat of her own fashion drum. In this example, we have two modifiers: red is an adjective that describes the color of the dress, and confidently is an adverb that describes how Kelly rocked the frock.

Example 2

I'm addicted to the taste of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

You're not alone. Here, we have an example of a phrase that acts as a modifier. The prepositional phrase of mint chocolate chip ice cream qualifies the word taste.

Example 3

The boy who was attacked by ninjas was hospitalized.

He never saw them coming. Hopefully you saw the modifier in this sentence. For starters, it's underlined. Here's why: the clause who was attacked by ninjas explains which boy was hospitalized… after taking several stealthy roundhouse kicks to the face.