1 Chronicles Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Who do you think wrote Chronicles?
  2. Why would the author retell a story that's already been told elsewhere? Is there some benefit to seeing an old story with new eyes?
  3. Why would the Chronicler include so many genealogies? Is knowing who begat whom all that important?
  4. The Chronicler focuses mainly on the descendants of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. What special place did they have in the community?
  5. Do you think that David would have been a good king in real life?
  6. How about Saul? What kind of king would he have really been?
  7. Why does the author devote so much time to David, but hardly any ink to other kings?
  8. Why was Jerusalem such a big deal to the Jewish people back then? How about today?
  9. 1 Chronicles is filled with war stories. Why is it important for a nation to remember the battles it's been through?
  10. Why bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem? Could having an exclusive house of worship in the capital serve any political purposes for David?
  11. Why are the day-to-day operations of the Temple such a huge deal?
  12. When you break it down, 1 Chronicles is really about God and war. Do those two subjects really mix?
  13. Why does this book mainly focus on the Southern Kingdom of Judah and barely mention the Northern Kingdom of Israel?
  14. Who should play David in "King David: The Musical?" (Real show, BTW.)