Across Five Aprils Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

In December Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation of amnesty, in which he promised pardon and full rights to any individual Confederate who would swear to protect the Constitution and the Union of the states, to abide by the government's pronouncements against slavery. He promised, too, that a Confederate state could return to the Union whenever ten percent of its voters should reestablish a loyal Union government within their state.

"Never hev I loved him so much," Matt exclaimed tearfully. And Jethro remembered words in the President's letter: "There will be much criticism, but if I err it will be on the side of mercy." (11.24-25)

Check out Matt Creighton getting all emotional. See Jeth? It's not disgraceful to shed a tear or two. Especially when the President does something awesome like offering pardon to Confederate states and soldiers.