Across Five Aprils Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Ye got some growed-up brothers in the war, ain't ye?"

"Yes, sir. Tom and Eb was with Grant at Donelson; we heered from Tom after the battle. Then there's my oldest brother, John; he jest enlisted last month."

"And wasn't there one of Matt's boys that jined up with the Rebs? Seems like I heered of it—"

Jethro hesitated. "We don't know fer sure. Bill left last fall. He ain't never sent us any word." (5.37-40)

Roll call time. Jethro is listing off all his family members who went off to war. But when he comes to Bill, a little white lie comes slipping out. Jethro is more than aware that Bill sided with the South, yet for some reason Jeth decides against confirming that. Though technically speaking, the Creightons haven't heard anything since Bill left, so there's still a shred of truth hiding in there.

Quote #5

The children came and sat close to him; he had paid more attention to them lately, knowing that it pleased Nancy, and they had grown fond of him.

"They take you fer a man full growed, Jeth," Nancy said, smiling. "I wouldn't doubt but what they sense somethin' of John about you." (6.72-73)

This is an endearing moment that reminds us a bit of how Jethro enjoyed being around Shad when he was home. Jethro didn't really have an opinion on John's family in the beginning, but since all the older boys are gone and Jeth is the one taking care of all the manly man's duties, he grows closer to Nancy and the boys. On this particular occasion, Nancy takes the opportunity to suggest that the boys might recognize semblances of John in Jethro.

Quote #6

Above these were three other names that belonged to complete strangers as far as Jethro was concerned. The twin girls, Lydia and Lucinda, long since married and moved to Ohio, were born in 1834. The name at the top of the list was Benjamin Hardin Creighton, born in 1832. After his name, Matt had written: Left for Californy in 1849. (7.35)

Please pause for a moment while we make a mental note to henceforth call California Californy, effective immediately. So these three people are Matt and Ellen's oldest children. With some quick math, we see that oldest son Benjamin is twenty years older than Jeth and left home three years before Jethro was even born in 1852 (7.20). Complete strangers is right, and Jethro has more of a relationship with non-relatives like Shad and Ross Milton (and even Dave Burdow) then he does with these siblings.