All the Bright Places Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I hold up my hands and they're shaking, because my hands, like the rest of me, would like to kill my father. Ever since I was ten and he sent Mom to the hospital with a busted chin, and then a year later when it was my turn. (21.19)

So Finch's dad is a wife beater, too. Wow. What a charmer.

Quote #8

I walk all the way to Violet's, where we build the world's largest snowman. […] Afterward, we sit with her parents around the fire and I pretend I'm part of the family. (32.1)

More than once, Finch mentions how jealous he is of how close Violet is with her family. While we can see where he's coming from, it's a little unfair. Violet's sister just died, after all.

Quote #9

I take a deep breath and dive, grateful for the dark of the water and the warmth against my skin. I swim to get away from Josh Raymond, and my cheating father, and Violet's involved parents who are also her friends, and my sad, deserted mother, and my bones. (32.31)

A lot of the stress in Finch's life comes from his problems with his family. When he contemplates suicide, all of that melts away.