And Then There Were None Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Drunk, that’s what it was—drunk… And I operated! Nerves all to pieces—hands shaking. I killed her all right. Poor devil—elderly woman—simple job if I’d been sober. (4.101)

Dr. Armstrong may act as innocent as everyone else, but he knows exactly what that booming voice is talking about when it starts going. Way to make us even more terrified of surgeons, Dr. Armstrong.

Quote #2

Yes he’d sent Richmond to his death and he wasn’t sorry. It had been easy enough. Mistakes were being made all the time, officers being sent to death needlessly. (5.108)

Not sorry, huh? Then why all the misery and the desire to have it all end? We’ve got a feeling that General Macarthur isn’t being quite honest about his feeeeeelings.

Quote #3

Emily Brent said:

“I think that the accusation was true. You all saw her last night. She broke down completely and fainted. The shock of having her wickedness brought home to her was too much for her. She literally died of fear.” (6.122)

Hello, Pot. We’d like you to meet Kettle. Miss Brent considers herself a bastion of morality who’s totally fit to judge Mrs. Rogers, even though they’re literally accused and guilty of the same thing.