And Then There Were None Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He had even complimented her on her presence of mind and courage, she remembered. For an inquest it couldn’t have gone better. And Mrs. Hamilton had been kindness itself to her—only Hugo—but she wouldn’t think of Hugo. (1.16)

Vera literally cannot spend a moment alone without her thoughts going immediately to Cyril’s death and to Hugo. We feel you, Vera. Whenever we have a spare minute, our thoughts turn to Flappy Bird.

Quote #2

The Sister knew, of course- but she held her tongue. God, it gave me a shock! Pulled me up. But who could have known about it—after all these years? (4.101)

When the gramophone voice comes on, Dr. Armstrong is all, “who, me?” But inside, he’s reliving the entire operating-while-drink incident.

Quote #3

And all so long ago. So—so purposeless now. Leslie had faded into the distance and Arthur Richmond too. Nothing of what happened seemed to matter anymore. (5.117)

Hindsight is 20/20—and from this distance, the whole kerfuffle with his wife and his wife’s lover seems like NBD to Macarthur. Too bad he couldn’t take that attitude when it happened—his present might look a lot different.