And Then There Were None Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He had even complimented her on her presence of mind and courage, she remembered. For an inquest it couldn’t have gone better. (1.16)

Vera has a great reputation as a governess: she’s scrappy, smart, capable, and resourceful. The only thing is that she sometimes lets little boys drown on purpose. But no big deal! She’s a great governess.

Quote #2

Lucky for me there’s loyalty in our profession. (4.101)

Dr. Armstrong still has an a-okay reputation as a doctor, even though you wouldn’t want to go under the knife with him. He’s only killed one person while drunk, after all. Total fluke.

Quote #3

He’d avoided people after that—withdrawn into himself. Unpleasant to feel that people were discussing you. (5.116)

Macarthur may have escaped any real punishment over sending Leslie’s lover to his death, but it’s ruined his reputation (or made him paranoid about it) amongst his old army friends. Man, we hate when a little murder gets in the way of a beautiful friendship.