Angela's Ashes Chapter 4 Summary

  • At Frank's school, it's First Confession and First Communion preparation time, which means studying the Catechism.
  • According to Frank's teacher, good Catholics not only know right from wrong, but also are willing to "die for the Faith if called on" (4.1).
  • Frank wonders whether anyone wants them to live, seeing as how his dad constantly talks about how wonderful it'd be to die for Ireland and his teacher believes it'd be "a glorious thing to die for the faith" (4.2).
  • Frankie's friend Mikey Molloy tells him that the best part about First Communion is what happens after: The Collection. The Collection is when your friends and families "give you sweets and money" for having received the sacrament of First Communion.
  • Mikey tells Frank that he got lots of money on his First Communion day which he then spent on candy and watching movies at the cinema.
  • Mikey, Malachy Jr., and Frank spend their evenings reading by the light pole since both their fathers drink the dole money, which leaves them without any money to buy candles.
  • Right before his First Confession, Frank listens to Mikey's naughty tale about Cuchulain's wife. Mikey then tells him that since listening to dirty stories is a sin, he must tell the priest during his First Confession.
  • Frank's worried that the priest will tell everyone about his sin and not allow him to make his First Communion and he won't get any candy.
  • Frank fells a bit better about his sin after the voice of an angel tells him to "fear not" (4.82).
  • Frank's First Communion day goes swell. That is, until he throws up the First Communion breakfast that Grandma Sheehan cooked for him and is dragged back to church by his grandma, who believes she has "God in me backyard" (4.141).
  • The priest has to stifle a laugh at Frank's confession and tells him to tell his grandma to wash God away with water.
  • At this point, it's too late for The Collection and Frank's mom suggests they go to the cinema and hope they'll let him in.
  • On the way to the cinema, they meet Mikey Molloy who tells them he'll fake a fit while Frank sneaks in.
  • Frank watches a film with James Cagney, and that's the finale to his First Communion day.