Angela's Ashes Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I crawl into bed with Malachy and the twins. I look out at Mam at the kitchen table, smoking a cigarette, drinking tea, and crying. I want to get up and tell her I'll be a man soon and I'll get a job in the place with the big gate and I'll come home every Friday night with money for eggs and toast and jam and she can sing again Anyone can see why I wanted your kiss. (1.148)

Even as a boy, Frank understands that a man's most important job is to provide for his family and protect his wife and children. At least, that's what a man is expected to do in 1930s Limerick. As a child, Frank feels helpless to change the family's circumstances. Kids living in poverty are at huge risk for leaving school like Frank to get a job and help support the family.

Quote #2

She hopes he might bring home something from the farm, potatoes, cabbage, turnips, carrots, but he'll never bring home anything because he'd never stoop so low as to ask a farmer for anything. Mam says 'tis all right for her to be begging at the St. Vincent de Paul Society for a docket for food but he can't stick a few spuds in his pocket. He says it's different for a man. You have to keep the dignity. Wear your collar and tie, keep up the appearance, and never ask for anything. (3.23)

Talk about double standards. Poor Angela has to go begging while Malachy Sr. refuses to bring food home for his starving children just because it means he'd have to ask a few strangers for charity. Is this dignity or just unreasonable manly pride? Does begging mean you'll be seen as less of a man?

Quote #3

Even the poorest of the poor don't go out on Christmas Day picking coal off the road. There's no use asking Dad to go because he will never stoop that low and even if he did he won't carry things through the streets. It's a rule he has. (3.55)

Rule or no rule, Frank and Malachy Jr. could really use their father's help. It seems like many of the "rules" Malachy Sr. has are convenient for only one person: Malachy Sr., and we're not entirely sure that's how a real man would act.