Angela's Ashes Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In New York, with Prohibition in full swing, he thought he had died and gone to hell for his sins. Then he discovered speakeasies and he rejoiced. (1.11)

This one of the first descriptions of Malachy Sr.'s alcohol use. Clearly, he was a heavy drinker even before coming to America and having a family.

Quote #2

After a night of drinking porter in the pubs of Limerick he staggers down the lane singing his favorite song […].

He's in great form altogether and he thinks he'll play a while with little Patrick, one year old. Lovely little fella. Loves his daddy. Laughs when Daddy throws him up in the air. Upsy daisy, little Paddy, upsy daisy, up in the air in the dark, so dark, oh, Jasus, you miss the child on the way down and poor little Patrick lands on his head, gurgles a bit, whimpers, goes quiet. (1.14-15)

Poor Uncle Pat, another casualty of alcoholism. This passage has to be one of the saddest in Angela's Ashes. Pat's one of the many kids whose lives are ruined because of their father's drinking.

Quote #3

When we go home Mam makes tea and bread and jam or mashed potatoes with butter and salt. Dad drinks the tea and eats nothing. Mam says, God above, How can you work all day and not eat? He says, The tea is enough. She says, You'll ruin your health, and he tells her again that food is a shock to the system. (1.106)

Alcohol has replaced food as the most necessary substance in Malachy Sr.'s life. That's one of the ways drinking kills you—drinks replace nutritious food and your body falls apart.