Blade Runner Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Blade Runner? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What kind of test is used to determine if someone is a replicant?

A test that measures the subject's brainwaves
A test that measures how the subject's eye changes and reacts
A test that measures the subject's knowledge of math
A test that measures one's knowledge of '80s sitcoms
Q. What kind of beverage is advertised on giant billboards in Blade Runner?

RC Cola
Sierra Mist
Coca Cola
Q. What is true of the animals owned by both Tyrell and Zhora?

They were artificially created
They are the last of their kind
They both used to belong to Deckard
They were purchased at PetCo
Q. How does Deckard travel around the city?

High-speed monorail
Flying car
Q. What body part does Hannibal Chew design?
