Blade Runner Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why does Roy show mercy toward Deckard, refusing to kill him at the end?
  2. Is Deckard actually a human, or is he a replicant? Does it change depending on what version you watch?
  3. How does technology change the way humans behave in Blade Runner? (Think about J. F. Sebastian as an example).
  4. Why doesn't Gaff kill Rachael? Why does he (seem to) let her escape with Deckard?
  5. What does the movie say about memories? What role do they play in shaping our identities?
  6. How does the movie's version of the future compare with other versions you might be familiar with—like Fahrenheit 451, 1984, and Brave New World? Which do you think has proved, or will prove, most accurate?
  7. Why does Roy kill Tyrell?
  8. Is Tyrell evil? Do he and Sebastian deserve what they get?
  9. Is this movie realistic? Could the future really be like Blade Runner …if it isn't already?