Bonnie and Clyde Justice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Bonnie and Clyde.

Quote #7

BONNIE: Hey, what do you do anyhow?

EUGENE: I'm an undertaker.

BONNIE: (turning to CLYDE) Get them outta here.

After the gang picks up Eugene and Velma, they enjoy the experience of just chatting with other people. They seem happy and relaxed. Then, when Bonnie asks Eugene about his profession and he responds, the reality of their situation comes back with a vengeance. Someday soon, someone in Eugene's profession will be attending to them. And more acutely than any of the other gang members, Bonnie understands this.

Quote #8

CLYDE: At this point, we ain't headed to nowheres. We's just runnin' from.

During Bonnie's family reunion, one of her relatives asks where the gang is headed, and Clyde says this. Again, this has a big impact on Bonnie. At this point, there are no plans to enjoy the money they've accumulated from their robberies. They're just running, and there doesn't appear to be any future beyond that.

Quote #9

MA PARKER: You try to live three miles from me, and you won't live long, honey.

As well as constantly running and fearing for her life, Bonnie's been separated from her family…and especially her mother. Giving up a strong family connection by pursuing a life of crime is another major sacrifice Bonnie has had to make. Ironically, too, it's an experience she shares with her nemesis in the gang, Blanche.