The Book of Margery Kempe True or False

1. The "Good Friar" or "Preaching Friar" kicks Kempe out of his fabulous sermons. Why? -> She harbors heretical ideas.
2. On her way home from Germany, Kempe has to travel with a band of poor pilgrims. Why is this a bad idea for her specifically? -> People throw rocks at them as they pass.
3. When Margery Kempe is arrested in Leicester, what does her friend Thomas Marchale fear? -> That she'll be burned as a heretic.
4. Why doesn't Kempe run straight back into Bishop's Lynn when she returns from her spate of arrests in England? -> She's dirty and doesn't want to be seen by neighbors
5. What happens when Kempe "argues" with Christ over the issue of damnation? -> He leaves her alone for a while.
