The Call of the Wild Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Nevaire such a dog as dat Buck!" he cried. "No, nevaire! Heem worth one t'ousan' dollair, by Gar! Eh? Wot you say, Perrault?" (4.18)

Buck’s value increases further as he takes over a position of leadership.

Quote #8

Fresh batches of Hudson Bay dogs were to take the places of those worthless for the trail. The worthless ones were to be got rid of, and, since dogs count for little against dollars, they were to be sold. (5.4)

Most men are unable to see anything but monetary value in Buck.

Quote #9

Buck was discharged. But his reputation was made, and from that day his name spread through every camp in Alaska. (6.19)

Buck’s fame begins as a cause not of his monetary value, but of his loyalty to Thornton.