The Call of the Wild Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

That winter, at Dawson, Buck performed another exploit, not so heroic, perhaps, but one that put his name many notches higher on the totem-pole of Alaskan fame...It was brought about by a conversation in the Eldorado Saloon, in which men waxed boastful of their favorite dogs. Buck, because of his record, was the target for these men, and Thornton was driven stoutly to defend him. (6.29)

Buck’s reputation is bettered by his physical abilities.

Quote #11

"Gad, sir! Gad, sir!" stuttered a member of the latest dynasty, a king of the Skookum Benches. "I offer you eight hundred for him, sir, before the test, sir; eight hundred just as he stands." (6.44)

Buck’s physicality increases his monetary value.

Quote #12

"Gad, sir! Gad, sir!" spluttered the Skookum Bench king. "I'll give you a thousand for him, sir, a thousand, sir--twelve hundred, sir." (6.60)

Despite generous offers for Buck, Thornton sees more in Buck than just monetary value.