The Chocolate War Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

You could take a kid's lunch money and nothing usually happened because most kids wanted peace at any price. (7.7)

When Emile Janza realizes that students will choose self-preservation and freedom from conflict over money, he decides to exploit this to the fullest.

Quote #5

"No. I'm not going to sell the chocolates." (17.16)

Jerry's choice is empowering. He has decided what to do with his own life, and his own body. When this strange concept begins to spread among the student body, Brother Leon and the Vigils realize it could threaten their whole operation.

Quote #6

"I never thought of just saying no, like you did." (19.8)

This comment to Jerry from an unnamed student on the bus shows us just how big a deal Jerry's refusal is. It also shows us how thoroughly students have been discouraged from independent thought and action.