The Chocolate War Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"It's more than fun and games Jerry. Anything that can make you cry and send a teacher away—tip him over the borderline—that's more than just fun and games" (23.37).

The Room Nineteen incident awakes sensitivity in The Goober. He realizes that seemingly small acts of cruelty can have huge ethical consequences.

Quote #8

"Would you ask Renault why he isn't selling the chocolates like everybody else?" (30.21)

Minor character Harold Darcy feels that Jerry is committing a moral crime against his fellow students, who are all working hard to make the sale a success. They believe this is for the benefit of the whole school. Darcy feels that Jerry will be reaping the rewards, but not doing any of the work.

Quote #9

A new sickness invaded Jerry, the sickness of knowing what he'd become, another animal, another beast, another violent person in a violent world, inflicting damage, not disturbing the universe, but damaging it. (37.28)

Jerry is really disillusioned at the end of the novel. He knows he's gone against his own moral code by lashing out violently at Emile Janza. What do you think?