Fate and Free Will Quotes in Cloud Atlas

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

What do you mean? What "next stage" of what? Of the theatrical production, set up while I was still a server in Papa Song's. (7.1.288-7.1.289)

Sonmi believes that her fate was orchestrated by Unanimity from the beginning, yet she made her own choices, anyway. Was Unanimity playing her, or is that just want she wants to believe?

Quote #5

The outcome is decided not during the course of play but when the cards are shuffled, before the game even begins. How pointless is that? (8.1.107)

Here, Cavendish is talking about a solitaire game, but he could be talking about something bigger: he could be talking about life. Of course, a man who ends up being punished for his own horrible actions would want to blame it on anybody—or anything—else to avoid taking responsibility.

Quote #6

"I fire at him. I miss—the luckiest miss of my life, and yours too, Luisa, because if I'd shot your father you wouldn't be here." (9.46.2)

The fates definitely conspire to put Joe Napier and Luisa Rey back on the same path. Without Joe, Luisa would have been killed. Without Luisa, Joe would still be alive, but the Swannekke reactor would have gone Chernobyl. Fate works in mysterious ways.