Memory and the Past Quotes in Cloud Atlas

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Right there—right here. I could still taste it. I can still taste it as I write these words. (4.1.160)

Through writing his memoirs, Cavendish is exploring the true power of memory. A strong memory is almost like time travel. It's no different to Cavendish, who thinks he's actually gone back in time.

Quote #5

The word remember is outside servers' lexicons. (5.1.333)

Our memories greatly affect our actions and perceptions. But what if you don't have memories? The fabricant servers of Papa Song's get to live life as if every day were brand new. Sounds kind of nice—but totally scary at the same time.

Quote #6

But no matter how loud I shout, Boy Zachry, he don't hear me nor never will. (6.1.20)

When telling a story, there's a temptation to change the past. You can do it when you change the story, but does that change what really happened?