Cloud Atlas Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Cloud Atlas? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Frobisher says he'd "rather swallow cutlery than ever have to sell the stuff" when offered a job by whom?

Morty Dhondt
Victor Bryant
Pater (Frobisher's nickname for his father)
The Ginsu Knife guy
Q. Fill in the blank: "Only the prospect of the decanter running dry could make _____ frantic."

Pater (Frobisher's nickname for his father)
Mater (Frobisher's nickname for his mother)
Jocasta (van Outryve de Crommelynck)
Kathie Lee (Gifford)
Q. When Frobisher finally gets a response out of this character, he remarks, "It speaks!"

Marie-Louise van de Velde
Hendrick, the butler
Perry the Platypus
Q. Whom does Frobisher refer to as "Countess Slãck-Jawksi or the Duchess of Sümdümpstädt"?

Marie-Louise van de Velde
Audrey Hepburn
Q. Which of the following are reasons Frobisher gives for not murdering Vyvyan Ayrs in his sleep?

"Working on my sextet while evading a manhunt would be far too much trouble"
"Ending one's career swinging in soiled underwear is hardly dignified"
"Murdering Eva's father in cold blood might put the kibosh on her feelings for me"
All of the above