Cloud Atlas True or False

1. Frobisher says he'd "rather swallow cutlery than ever have to sell the stuff" when offered a job by whom? -> Morty Dhondt
2. Fill in the blank: "Only the prospect of the decanter running dry could make _____ frantic." -> Jocasta (van Outryve de Crommelynck)
3. When Frobisher finally gets a response out of this character, he remarks, "It speaks!" -> Perry the Platypus
4. Whom does Frobisher refer to as "Countess Slãck-Jawksi or the Duchess of Sümdümpstädt"? -> Eva
5. Which of the following are reasons Frobisher gives for not murdering Vyvyan Ayrs in his sleep? -> "Ending one's career swinging in soiled underwear is hardly dignified"
