Slavery Quotes in Cloud Atlas

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Democratize your own fabricants!" a man glowered as [Sonmi] pushed by with [her] tray. "Abolitionist." (5.1.341)

Oh, heaven forbid someone inconvenience this man while he's trying to get his fast food. Sonmi should have the decency to fight for fabricant rights in private, where it won't interfere with anyone's day. Oops, sorry, we rolled our eyes so hard they got stuck.

Quote #8

All good masters kill a bad or idlin' slave now'n'then to mem'ry the others what happens to slackers. (6.1.260)

Yikes, is that what a good master does? You know, we're not sure there is such thing as a "good" master.

Quote #9

An underworld sweatshop clattering with five hundred sewing machines. [...] Limp Donald Ducks and crucified Scooby-Doos have their innards stitched, one by one, row by row, pallet by pallet. (9.64.11)

Oh, but the stuffed animals are so cute! They can't be bad, can they? When they're made by sweatshop labor, they're bad. Slavery is not cute. This novel really messes with what we think we know of the world.