The Crystal Cave Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Crystal Cave? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who or what does the red dragon represent?

Vortigern and the Saxons
Ambrosius and Uther
Q. Why is the cave a particularly good place for Merlin to have been conceived, symbolically speaking?

Because he will die in a cave.
Because caves symbolize life.
Because caves represent the womb.
Because Merlin feels really at home there.
Q. What does the name "Emrys" mean?

"Child of Emma"
"Son of Ambrosius"
"Prince of Darkness"
"Child of the Light"
Q. Belasius is a "shady" character. Why is that totally appropriate for him?

He's a druid; they practice in darkness.
He lives in a cave.
He communes with Satan on the reg.
He's trying to kill Ambrosius.
Q. The king-star makes two major appearances in this work. What does it signify when it shows up?

A natural catastrophe
The death of one king and the coming of another
The approach of battle
A plague